
Complete industry indicator system
  • Full-view indicator system for cross industries
  • Thousands of indicators definition reference
  • Accurate and fast indicator calculation platform
Data integration platform
  • Online and offline data integration
  • Data analysis for all channel
  • Building a precision marketing system
Data validation and alert system
  • Alert when data calculation is wrong
  • Detailed audit report
  • Timely data risk warning
Data asset management
  • Data kinship and impact analysis
  • Audit rules monitoring
  • Standard data management system
Complete industry indicator system
  • Full-view indicator system for cross industries
  • Thousands of indicators definition reference
  • Accurate and fast indicator calculation platform
Data integration platform
  • Online and offline data integration
  • Data analysis for all channel
  • Building a precision marketing system
Data validation and alert system
  • Alert when data calculation is wrong
  • Detailed audit report
  • Timely data risk warning
Data asset management
  • Data kinship and impact analysis
  • Audit rules monitoring
  • Standard data management system


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